Project MIPR Processing

MIPR Processing:
The DD Form 448 - Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request (MIPR) is one of the primary vehicles for funding customer requirements. The MIPR can be submitted to T-ASA via FAX or by E-mail. When the MIPR is submitted the DFAS Paying Station address and the Paying Station DODAAD/DODDAC are required and must be cited in Block 13 of the DD FM 448.

MIPR's are accepted as Direct Cite Basis (Category II) only, we are not authorized to accept reimbursable (Category I) MIPRs. Direct Cite (Category II) acceptance means T-ASA will cite your fund cite directly on all documents needed to support the fulfillment of the MIPR. The requestor’s funds stay in the commitment stage until a copy of the obligating document, in this case, a contract(s) is received from T-ASA. FUNDS ARE NOT OBLIGATED UNTIL A COMPLETED CONTRACT IS RECEIVED BY THE PAYINGOFFICE.

The MIPR and requirements are assigned a T-ASA Project Number and forwarded to the Technical and Logistics areas for review and acceptance. Based on T-ASA's acceptance, the project is then established in the Project Tracking Database. The MIPR Acceptance (DD448-2) is prepared and faxed back to the sender (Address in Block 8 of the DD448-2).

The requirements are then worked within the T-ASA technical and logistics area, and awarded through T-ASA's Contracting Office. Distribution of the award documents is made to the vendor, the DFAS identified in Block 13 of the customer's MIPR, the budget office (sender in Block 8 of the DD448-2) and the receiving activity.

Excess Funds:
After obligation of customer requirements and confirmation that all requirements have been satisified, a listing of each obligation by contract number (for reconciliation purposes) is prepared and sent to the customer along with a DD448-2 requesting withdrawal of any excess funds.

T-ASA Chief, Operations
Phone: (951) 413-2666 / DSN: 348-1666
FAX: (951) 413-2587 / DSN: 348-1587
E-mail: MIPR Processor